Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How To Market a Web Series

Some good advice here to web series creators, albeit also common sense - AND does everyone have to reference "The Guild" in every successful web series article? We all like the show and know of its success, but it's a one-of-a-kind for sure and very unlikely to be repeated very often, if at all. Nonetheless, a good read...

From the article...

We have discussed a number of successful web series and what the creators of those series have done to increase awareness, and hopefully viewers. Sometimes, unfortunately, just being good isn’t sufficient. A quality show needs not only to connect, but it needs to have a life of its own outside of its episodes, something people talk about, feel connected to. Something in which viewers are active participants.

Source: How To Market A Web Series To Generate Interest & Gain Viewers http://www.reelseo.com/how-to-market-web-series/#ixzz1VrpBWNCk
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Click here to read the entire piece.

Talk soon!


13 Witches said...

13 Witches

Check out our first web series teaser!


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custom fan page said...

I’ve found blogging to be a great way to publish some unusual thoughts or opinions. I’ve always enjoyed engaging in interesting discussions with people, but you can reach a lot more people via a blog than you can in verbal conversation.

13 Witches said...

here is the new one enjoy!

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