Thursday, May 14, 2009

PINK now on TiVO

If you have a broad-band connected TiVO DVR you can now download episodes of PINK for FREE.

Check it out here

This is part of our distribution deal with the good folks at Koldcast TV.

So, thank you to them and to all our fans of the show. :)

Natalie Raitano TV Interview

Check out this fun interview with "Pink" star Natalie Raitano on the Gordon Keith Show...

Monday, May 11, 2009

88 HITS on iTunes and Zune

No new PINK episodes for a while, so what should you do? How about watch director Blake Calhoun's new web series 88 HITS on Koldcast TV.

And you can now check out the show on iTunes and Zune. If you have an iPod, iPhone or Zune simply subscribe and then sync your device and the show will be right there. Oh, and did we mention it's FREE. :)

Click here for iTunes

Click here for Zune

And of course please check out PINK on iTunes too if you haven't already...


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Series from PINK's Director

Blake Calhoun, the producer/director of "Pink" has a new comedy series out today called "88 HITS". It's about a dysfunctional mob family trying to make ends meet.

Please check it out on

And here's a blurb about it at NewTeeVee: (bottom of page)


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